Friday, April 23, 2010

What is my name, when translated into French?

My name is Marlee, and we have been assigned in my French class to find out what the French translation of our names would be. My name is unusual, so I haven't been able to find a translation.

If there isn't a proper translation, how would I pronounce Marlee in a French accent?

What is my name, when translated into French?
I tried to find something but it appears that it's an American name, and quite rare, with no corresponding name in French. I didn't know it before, and I find it very beautiful, you can be proud of your name!

French name which could sound like yours:


In French, your name would be pronounced like in English, but probably with the French "r" !
Reply:In a french accent well you roll the R but it's basically the same as in english. There's a french name "Marlene" that might be yours translated but I think it exists in english as well...?
Reply:Try Marylyse.


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