Thursday, April 15, 2010

What is the name of that one French song?

We were watching French music videos in French class the other day. There is a man and a woman singing. In the music video, there wasn't anybody else and they were singing in the streets and alleys. The instrumentals sound like guitar ensembles from Spain (but they are singing in French) and is upbeat. Part of the chorus is in English and it goes "maybe I was lonely". I know the music video is pretty new because the dvd companies come out with a new compilation every year and feature pretty popular artists.

What is the name of that one French song?
Probably not, but try:

Viens jusqu'a moi by Elodie Frege and Michal

goodluck finding the song!
Reply:No offense, but it is definetly NOT 99 Red Balloons. 99 Red Balloons, including the one that plays with the link Bobby S gave, was originally sung in German, not French. Then came the English verson. But there is no French version of 99 Red Balloons. Sorry that i can't tell you what it IS, but at least you know it's not that.

99 red baloons!

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