Wednesday, November 18, 2009

What is the name of the French film by Jean Luc Godard with a cameo of race driver pulling up to a gas station?

I am trying to find the title of a Jean Luc Godard film about a mother and daughter abandoned by the mother's husband. In the end he is hit by a car and the mother and daughter walk away not caring for him. It has a cameo of a famous race driver pulling into a gas station to fill his race car. Thanks.

What is the name of the French film by Jean Luc Godard with a cameo of race driver pulling up to a gas station?
The only one I know vaguely like this is Weekend, with the famous long tracking shot of a traffic jam. However, I do not remember a daughter in this. Do you remember how old it is? I don't think it is any other of his 1960s or 1970s films.

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